
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I know I little posting but here is the reason

Hi there again,
yes I know not much going on right now you are thinking, but I am working actually on my goal.
Yes you heard right, a goal towards a journey that I should have taken long ago but always found a reason to avoid it.
I traveled always a lot in the country and took lots of pictures all the time and was really thinking about how to get one day a book out with my "art".
And that is what I am doing right now, I am in pretty much final stage of editing it in my open source DTP program called Scribus. Without this magnificent peace of Software this dream would have never come true to me.
I am really proud that I can soon present the full book as ebook version for now, wish that I can raise enough to maybe get some hard copies done. Hard copies would be great when I hit the road with an RV this or next year to travel through Canada taking pictures of places in my style.
With me will be an very excellent Songwriter and Singer that I will follow with m camera to her Stages on her tour through Canada.
Right now I can only say what "simply red" once is too tight to mention, I know my quality of work and am sure that this book will be greatly appreciated.
I see photography like music, you have to recreate your art instead of following the Hurd all the time and wonder why you never get anywhere. I have my own style, a bit of traditional mixed with fresh flavours. I don't want every picture polished till nothing that satisfied me that moment is gone.

Give me a few more days and follow me till release day.
Thank you,

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